How Do I Find My Classmates?

Put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and sit down at your computer. You are about to become one of the best detectives ever!

1. Start with your yearbook. Look up the person who is lost and find out how they spell their name. Is there a middle name or initial? Full spelling is key to your success.

2. Start with boys' names because odds are they haven't changed their names over the years. Then try the girls' names.

3. Get referrals. When you find someone ALWAYS ask them who they are in touch with and get their friends' contact information.

4. Go to to see if any of them are registered there. You will find that many of them are. You should also check for siblings who graduated before or after you to track lost classmates.

5. Go to and type in the lost classmate's name. Some of them will have done noteworthy things and will be trackable.

6. Try People with odd or unusual names will be easiest to find. People with more common names may have many hits. Start calling the ones who are nearest your home town.

7. Don't forget the local phone book. Many parents of classmates still live in town. Simply call them and ask for the contact information for their son or daughter.

8. And don't give up. If you reach a dead end, give the name to someone else on your team. They may have better luck.

Do any of you have other tips to share? Or funny stories about how you found someone?

Please share with us.


dougcu said…
Don't forget Facebook search as well.
dougcu said…
Another common sense tidbit is - find out from your online or actual class yearbook what career direction the person was thinking about in high school so when you find people with the same name you can then get closer to the guy you are trying to track down by looking for the name and current career. So a guy who was interested in graphic arts just might have a website today featuring his paintings, for example.
As far as using the yearbook blurb for clues about the person that may be relevant to them today, that too is a good idea. A long shot sometimes, but some people know early on what their career goals are. I didn't, but some people amaze me.
Yes, is huge help for searching people for the reunion. We've also created a Group on Facebook for the actual reunion itself. Facebook people can join the Group to share info and pictures.
Unknown said…
Middle names. Once you zero in on 5 people the right age, check the yearbook for a middle name. There probably aren't too many John Xavier Aloysius Smiths.

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