Expand It! Events Surrounding the Party

Lou posted a comment after the article Should I Be the One to Organize the Reunion? about all the fun activities he planned for the entire reunion weekend I agree. Why limit the reunion to four hours on a Saturday night? Make an entire weekend of it, making it especially worthwhile for those who have traveled a great distance and may be staying in the hotel.

Here are some ideas to extend the festivities:

1. A Friday night pre-party bash. It could be simply drinks at the hotel lounge or a pot-luck picnic at a local picnic grove. Perhaps you'll want to get together at a local hangout of 'yore. Create a simple "pay as you go" experience for those who wish to attend. No reservations. No money collected in advance. Keep it simple and have fun.

2. Saturday morning. Be creative. Plan a golf outing, a hike, a basketball pickup game at the courts, a brunch, a trip to the zoo or a botanical garden. Small groups can assemble for inexpensive get-togethers. Find creative, inexpensive ways to share time together.

3. Saturday afternoon. Schedule a tour of your old high school. You'll need to make arrangements to have a tour guide - someone with a key and permission to get you in. This is a great way to reminisce.

4. Saturday night - the big event. We all know what that's about.

5. Sunday morning - a low key get-together. Consider a nice brunch in the hotel or a place nearby. That would be a nice way to compare notes about the big party before sending people off on their way till the next reunion.

I'm sure you'll have many other ideas to share. Please let us know.


Lou Fink said…
Well, first off................" I " didn't do the extended party weekend stuff. " WE, "our committee did. I will tell you a few things in this regard. Your readers may be " very close" to their fateful upcoming event, but I'm sure they still have undecided folk out there. I attribute our huge response in attendees to that full schedule of stuff we offered. So, I'd consider making a couple of quick plans [ I'm happy to give you our details and template ] and announce those other opportunities to get together. I'll bet it will stir some " yes responses " from late fence sitters.

The Friday night deal and the Sunday brunch were a piece of cake to get done. The high school tour was a bit more in the planing to pull off.

Secondly, though all suggestions you've shown are good and fun, if you want ease of participation, the more you plan at the hotel proper, the more numbers I think you'll achieve. Remember, you've got a lot of travel-weary people who barely remember where their home town is, let alone trying to get them all to a certain ball field or picnic ground after they flew half of yesterday. And..........they're OLD !! (or at least some of them are.) This was all part of our thought process, which worked quite well. Our hotel was very accommodating in helping us spend money, so the more "add-ons" to the weekend, the better in their eyes.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance and best of luck to you all !!

Lou Fink

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